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Photographers I Love

I haven't been modeling for very long, and I'm definitely not a professional. None of my modeling has been a paid gig, and honestly, I'm okay with that. Of course, it's definitely something I aspire to work towards, but being able to help my friends build their portfolios whilst building my own has been fantastic practice, and I am so thankful that I have such talented friends.

That being said, I just want to take some time to give a shout out to some of my favorite photographers to work with, and show off some of what we have done together.

Kyla Sneddon

Kyla and I have been friends for a VERY long time. She is one of my oldest friends, and she probably has more dirt on me that anyone I know. It has been such a privilege to see her grow into the person she is today.

I really owe her a lot, as she was the first photographer I ever shot with. Because of her shots, I gained a lot more self confidence. We haven't been able to shoot very often together, since the whole "adulting" thing happened, but the few shoots that I have done with her are some of my absolute favorites!

She just got an AMAZING job opportunity in Northern California, and I'm going to miss the crap out of her, but I'm hoping to be able to visit up there more often to see her, and maybe take advantage of the beautiful mountain scenery her new surroundings will have to offer.

Stephanie Carrasco & Spenser Leeds

My absolute favorite photo duo! More than 80% of my portfolio is made up of photos taken by one of these two gorgeous people. They are an amazing team to work with! When we started together, I really had no idea what I was doing in terms of posing. I never really had an idea, and we would often resort to looking up photos on tumblr and attempting to recreate them. Now, we've shot together so many times, that it's starting to feel a lot more natural for me to come up with poses. Stephanie is also an amazing videographer, and always has such creative ideas for shoots. Every time she sends me a concept or an idea, I am just SO pumped to get working on it! She's extremely tolerant of how often I'm either sick or my car has broken down, which I am eternally grateful for.

Stephanie and Spenser have given me so many opportunities to improve, and I can't wait to keep shooting with them!

Well, that's all for now. I hope you guys check these lovely people out and see more of their work. They're all going places, and I couldn't be more excited to continue to watch them grow in their fields.

Thank you kindly for visiting!

XO Kiana

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